Ditch the pills, there’s a natural solution to resolve erectile dysfunction.

Platelet-rich plasma is a natural solution to help resolve sexual dysfunction. For men, the Priapus® shot (otherwise known as the P-Shot) helps address erectile dysfunction, improves sexual wellbeing and has been shown to increase length and girth.

Ditch the pills, there’s a natural solution to resolve erectile dysfunction.

Platelet-rich plasma is a natural solution to help resolve sexual dysfunction. For men, the Priapus shot (otherwise known as the P-Shot) helps address erectile dysfunction, improves sexual wellbeing and has been shown to increase length and girth.

What does it treat?

The P-Shot helps treat erectile dysfunction and it can improve length, girth and stamina. It can also help reduce stress urinary incontinence and prostate discomfort. Further, if there is a curve to the penis (Peyronie’s disease), the P-Shot can help straighten it.

Does it hurt?

We apply a topical numbing cream 20 to 60 minutes prior to the procedure. Then we do an injection of lidocaine to numb the area even more. Patients tolerate the treatment well.

Recovery time & side effects?

There is no downtime, however there may be swelling and tenderness. These effects should resolve within a week.

Who is a good candidate?

Someone struggling with erectile dysfunction who wants to improve their size and stamina. Because every patient is different, we’ll assess your concerns and develop a tailored plan to help you feel vital again.

What is the procedure time? 

Treatment is less than 90 minutes.

When can I expect results?

Sometimes benefits occur immediately post procedure, but most often it takes three to four months to realize the results because that’s how long it takes to generate new tissue, blood vessels and nerve endings.

How does it work?

We numb the area with lidocaine and a potent numbing cream. Then we draw blood from your arm and spin it in our specialized aesthetic centrifuge to separate the platelets from your red blood cells. We spin the platelet serum a second time to separate the platelet-rich from the platelet-poor plasma. Then we inject the PRP along the shaft of the penis. (Yes, you are numb!) Growth factors from the PRP generate new blood vessel formation for improved circulation within the penis; new nerve endings for stronger erections, increased sensation and enhanced stamina; and new tissue is generated to increase length and girth.

How long do results last?

We recommend one to three treatments over one to two years, depending on your goals.

For post-care instructions go to “Patient Info” and click on Priapus or P-Shot.

Physician consulting with patient about the P-Shot for men's health.
P-Shot | Bellingham | Burlington
Physician listening to patient's concerns about his sexual wellbeing.

Real life patient stories

“I increased size by 1.5 cm in length and 1 cm in girth. My girlfriend now orgasms 90% of the time we have sex instead of 10% of the time. I wasn’t planning on the increased size so the fact it is bigger is an added benefit!”