Image of a woman demonstrating her weight loss in a too-large pair of jeansOftentimes, when we step on the scale and see a slight increase or decrease in our weight, we assume we’ve lost or gained body fat, but the reality is not that cut and dry. There’s a big difference between losing weight (which is the sum of your muscles, bones, organs, fluids, body fat and more) and shedding body fat to achieve your fitness and aesthetic goals.

When we lose weight, our fat cells shrink and become smaller, but the total number of fat calls stays the same. When we gain weight, those fat cells grow larger again. This stubborn fat can cause you to feel frustrated after losing weight and still seeing your old body shape – just slightly smaller.

Understanding Weight Loss

Body weight is determined by more than just the amount of fat you carry; it measures muscles, bones, fluids, organs, and more. Weight loss occurs when your overall body weight decreases. Just because you notice the numbers on the scale going up or down, it may not be directly related to your body-fat percentage. For example, cutting carbohydrates from your diet is one of the fastest ways to lose weight, because carbs retain three times as much water as other macronutrients. When you aren’t retaining as much water, you weigh less. However, the aesthetic benefits of water-loss are short-lived, and you’re still carrying the same unwanted fat.

How Fat Loss Works

All of us have a certain amount of body fat, which is often expressed as a percentage of total body composition. An average healthy woman can have up to 30% body fat, and an average healthy man can have up to 24%.

Excess fat is stored in the body’s fat cells which are called adipocytes. Fat loss is the breaking down and reduction of these stored adipocytes. When we consume fewer calories than we burn, the caloric deficit will help us lose fat.

However, we can’t choose the areas where we want to lose fat through a caloric deficit. We can’t exercise a specific area from which we would like to lose fat and hope it works. In order to achieve a toned, sculpted physique, it may be necessary to eliminate stubborn diet-and-exercise-resistant fat through other methods— enter CoolSculpting®.

After researching several technologies that target fat loss, RejuvenationMD® – Aesthetic Skin Treatment and Wellness Center found CoolSculpting® to be the best treatment to permanently eliminate fat cells in targeted problem areas that do not respond to diet and exercise.

Eliminate Stubborn Fat with CoolSculpting®

CoolSculpting® is a non-invasive body contouring treatment cleared by the FDA to eliminate pockets of diet-resistant fat. During the procedure, controlled cooling plates are placed over targeted areas to freeze away fat through a process called “cryolipolysis.” Once the unwanted fat is eliminated from your body, it’s gone for good.

CoolSculpting® can address unwanted fat cells in almost any part of the body, including:

  • Abdomen
  • Flanks, or “Love Handles”
  • Bra Area
  • Arms
  • Back
  • Banana Roll (under the buttocks)
  • Inner and Outer Thighs
  • Chin

Treatment generally lasts between 35 to 75 minutes. There’s virtually no downtime or recovery period so you can return to work and social activities immediately. You may experience some redness or swelling, but these minor symptoms will fade a few days after treatment.

Depending on your personal health, diet, and lifestyle, you can still gain weight after CoolSculpting® treatment. The difference is that newly gained weight will be disbursed more evenly throughout your body, and not in the treated area.

We invite you to review a sampling of CoolSculpting® before and after images to see examples of real patients.

Schedule Your CoolSculpting® Treatment in Bellingham or Burlington Today

RejuvenationMD® – Aesthetic Skin Treatment and Wellness Center is the area’s premier CoolSculpting® practice.  Our highly-trained staff will customize your CoolSculpting® treatment to match your unique goals, budget, and lifestyle.

Schedule your free CoolSculpting® consultation today. Call our Bellingham office at 360-228-3929 or our Burlington office at 360-228-3871.