Juvederm® Before & After

Woman looking to the side with sunken eyes and cheeks
Woman looking to the side after dermal filler with volume in her cheeks and face.
Filler after
Woman looking to the side with sunken eyes and cheeks




Plump lips and minimize fine lines or wrinkles.

At RejuvenationMD® Aesthetic Skin Treatment & Wellness Center, all injectables are performed by our highly-trained providers. Juvederm is one of many fillers available to improve the appearance of moderate to severe facial wrinkles by adding volume and fullness to your skin for an immediate and youthful effect.

What does Juvederm treat?

The Juvederm collection of fillers is designed to minimize the appearance of lines, wrinkles and folds by replenishing volume.

How long do results last?

Depending on the brand and the type of filler, your treatment may last anywhere from 6 to 24 months.

Recovery time & side effects?

You can resume much of your normal life immediately after treatment, but we ask you to avoid vigorous exercise, intense heat and sun exposure. Refrain from touching and sleeping on the treatment area.

How does it work?

Juvederm uses hyaluronic acid, a substance that is naturally found in our skin, but one that lessens as we age, causing a decrease in our skin’s volume and hydration. At your complimentary consultation, your physician will recommend the appropriate approach for you.

Does it hurt?

To keep you comfortable we can ice and numb the area, but we also use special techniques to minimize any discomfort and/or bruising. Most patients find that filler treatment is very tolerable.

What is the procedure time? 

Treatments can take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes depending on the treatment area and your treatment plan.

Who is a good candidate?

Most men and women are good candidates for fillers. Your RejuvenationMD physician will assess your face and skin and recommend the right plan for your goals.

What are the results I can expect?

You can immediately expect fullness, improved lift and volume.

For pre and post-care instructions go to “Patient Info” and click on Fillers.

“You are a miracle worker. I looked at my picture from 10 years ago and now I look like that, so natural. I wouldn’t have believed injecting my cheeks would have done this. You are an artist.”

Lip filler with Registered Nurse, Deb, at RejuvenationMD
Juvederm Dermal Filler Experts
Juvederm Dermal Lip Filler