Laser Vein Treatment Before & After

vessels around the knees that need to be lasered




Easily treat small vessels and spider veins without downtime.

We are the only facility in the area to offer a wide variety of treatment options. If you have broken capillaries or small spider veins that are too small to be treated with Asclera®, we have a state-of-the-art laser that can get rid of them in just a few quick treatments.

Laser Vein Treatment Before & After

vessels around the knees that need to be lasered


Legs are clear after spider vein treatments


Easily treat small vessels and spider veins without downtime.

We are the only facility in the area to offer a wide variety of treatment options. If you have broken capillaries or small spider veins that are too small to be treated with Asclera®, we have a state-of-the-art laser that can get rid of them in just a few quick treatments.

What types of veins can be treated? 

Small broken capillaries and spider veins.

What are the results I can expect?

The treated veins collapse and absorb for younger looking legs.

How long do results last?

Results are permanent, but new veins may appear at any time so it’s best to be hypervigilant and treat early if that happens.

Recovery time & side effects?

Depending on your treatment we may recommend compression socks or hose, and we may provide an aftercare plan that limits your time standing or exercising.

How does it work?

 We use our state-of-the-art vascular laser by Sciton® to quickly treat the trouble area. We treat until the vessel is occluded and replaced with normal-looking connective tissue.

Does it hurt?

The procedure does not really hurt. It feels like a small pinch.

What is the procedure time? 

An appointment may be anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on the number of veins we are treating.

Who is a good candidate?

Anyone who has noticeable small red vessels around their knees, ankles or other areas that are prone to pressure.

 Vein removal post-care instructions.

Laser vein removal on a man's nose
Targeting troublesome vessels on the calf with a laser
Close up of a laser vein treatment on a man's nose

Real life patient stories

“I’ve been a runner for years and work on my feet regularly. RejuvenationMD helped eliminate all the red vessels and spider veins around my ankles and knees, helping me feel more confident wearing skirts and shorts!”