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The days of waiting to solve aesthetic problems after they happen are long gone. More and more people are looking to be proactive about their skin health, and many are finding significant benefits in doing so. 

Instead of combatting sun damage, dark spots, and wrinkles after they appear, a prejuvenation routine can help prevent skin issues before they happen.

Young woman smiling on a couch

What Is Prejuvenation?

As the name suggests, prejuvenation protects your skin from damage before it happens — the precursor to rejuvenation

Practicing good skin care early on in life can save you money — and stress — in the long run, as preventative measures are typically less expensive than invasive corrective procedures and surgeries. 

What Are the Benefits of Prejuvenation?

Your skin is an investment. 

Consider this: It’s cheaper to take your car in for regular oil changes rather than waiting and replacing the transmission. Prejuvenation is a similar concept. Proper maintenance and preventative measures can save you money in the long run — and eliminate the stress and insecurity associated with skin issues like sun damage, wrinkles, and discoloration.

Practicing skincare mindfulness can also benefit your overall health. 

When you take early steps to be aware of your skin’s needs, you are more likely to care for yourself in other ways. Targeting sun damage is an aesthetic concept, but it also can make you more aware of the benefits of minimizing sun exposure and the importance of SPF. 

Enhancing your natural beauty. 

Prejuvenation focuses on bringing out the best of your natural assets rather than covering them up or correcting issues with invasive procedures. Feeling your best is important — prejuvenation can help you do just that!

Prejuvenation Treatments for You

RejuvenationMD Aesthetic Skin Treatment & Wellness Center takes pride in offering many non-invasive treatments that target skin concerns and help you start your prejuvenation process.

MOXI® Laser Treatment

MOXI® is a low-level laser treatment that targets early aging signs, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, and surface-level lines. Due to its gentle resurfacing treatment, it is safe for all skin types and a great option for those concerned about preventing future damage and treating skin concerns.

MOXI® targets:

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Fine lines
  • Uneven skin texture
  • Large pores
  • Sun spots and sun damage

After treatment with MOXI®, patients can expect smoother and more even skin tone and texture. 

BOTOX® Cosmetic

Contrary to popular belief, BOTOX® Cosmetic is not just for those with severe lines and wrinkles — it can be an incredibly effective preventative measure for younger patients looking to minimize the appearance of fine lines early on.

While it is FDA-approved for patients 18 years and older, a great time to start using BOTOX® Cosmetic as a prejuvenation treatment is at the onset of early signs of aging, usually from your late 20s to early 30s. 

Early treatment with BOTOX® Cosmetic can actually prevent wrinkles and fine lines from forming, minimizing the need for more invasive facial treatments later in life. After your initial treatment, regular touch-ups are recommended every four months or so, but consistent maintenance can result in needing treatment less often over time.

Create a Personalized Prejuvenation Routine

Everyone’s skin is different — your prejuvenation routine should reflect how you want to improve your skin and the goals you have for your future skin. A prejuvenation routine can help you slow aging and improve your current self. 

At RejuvenationMD, each patient is treated as an individual — we look forward to helping you achieve your skin goals for today and tomorrow!

Interested in Prejuvenation Treatments in Western and Northern WA?

RejuvenationMD Aesthetic Skin Treatment & Wellness Center offers many prejuvenation treatments. Fill out our contact form to curate your own skin routine today!